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Hiranya Praash Drops
  • Hiranya Praash is a patented, safe, natural rejuvenative with the power of gold. 24 karat gold is processed with selected organic, bio-active herbs by using patented techniques.
  • Administration of pure gold for infants is the traditional practice since thousands of years in India. It is a well established, evidence based fact that this practice builds up natural immunity, providing excellent protection against a variety of illnesses.
  • Very useful health supplement in chronic ailments.
  • Pure gold is processed with various herbs as per Indian classics and converted into easily absorbable form.
  • Protects children against diseases & builds up immunity naturally.
  • Improves vigor and vitality, and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  • Safe and effective in all ages.
  • Slows down degenerative process in old age.
  • Powerful memory booster.
  • Acts as anti-oxidant.
  • Adults & Children: 4 drops once a day
  • Infants (below 2 years): 2 drops once a day