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Muniosto Tablet
  • Prevents bone degeneration
  • Supports building up bone tissue naturally
  • Useful for women during menopause
  • A general tonic for children and elderly people
  • All the ingredients of the product are rich in natural bio-available calcium
  • Acts as anti osteoporotic, analgesic and anti inflammatory. Hence, useful in osteo arthrosis, osteoporosis and in calcium deficiency
  • Indications – Sandhigata Vata, Asthikshaya, Bhagna

Principal Ingredients:

•Asthishrnkhala (Cissus quadrangularis) acts as anti-osteoporotic and promotes bone and tissue healing
•Asthishrnkhala also acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting COX and 5-LOX, effectively down-regulating the iNOS, TNFα, and upregulation of HO 1
•Mahishee Dugdha (buffalo milk) contains 58% more calcium, 40% more
protein and 43% less cholesterol than cow milk making it an excellent health supplement
•Sarshapa (Brassica campestris)
• Rajika (Brassica juncea)
DOSAGE: 1-2 Tablets Twice daily with milk or lukewarm water